Rigsumgombyn sum
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Rigsumgombyn sum ,Rigsumgombyn sum /Maani,Maani usegt khad,
Rinchen Number :
Type of Temple :
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Khairkhan dulaan soum
Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Өвөрхангай аймаг Хайрхан дулаан сум Ригсүмгомбын сүм. Хайрхан дулаан сумын төвөөс 45 км орчим газарт Хужиртын эхний Муруй баруун салааны Маанийн үсэгт хад хэмээх газар нэгэн сүм байсныг нутгийн ахмад настнууд Ригсүмгомбо нэртэй мөргөлийн сүм байсан гэж мэдээлж байна.Б.Ренчиний 1979 онд эрхлэн хэвлүүлсэн “БНМАУ-ын угсаатны зүйн атлас”-ын сүм хийдийн жагсаалтанд бүртгэгдээгүй уг сүмийг 19-р зууны дунд үе буюу 1850-1860-аад оны үед Юндэн гэвш гэдэг хүн анх үүсгэн байгуулжээ.Уг сүмд тэр бүр хурал хурдаггүй хаврын тэргүүн сарын шинийн 8-наас 15-ны үед ойролцоо хүрээ хийдээс лам нар ирж хурдаг, бусад үед бурхан тахил нь хадгалагдаж байжээ.Чухам ямар нэтэй бурхан тахил залагдан шүтэгдэж байсан нь тодорхойгүй байна.
Description of location :
The site is located 45Km from the soum centre.
GPS readings :
North 46° 08’ East 101° 51’
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
The rock with the Tibetan mantra of Rigsümgombo (Om Mani Padme Hum etc) was found. The temple could have been in a valley, which is situated next to the rocks, but remnants were not found at all. The family living there haven’t heard about it. However, they told us that a geshe lama came to the rocks, 50m from this place. Temple ruins were not found.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Yunden gevsh
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Year : Yunden gevsh - Ярилцлагын дугаар: A 24
Monks in Old Temple :
Notes :
The Tibetan mantras of the three Bodhisattva (Rigsümgombo) are visible on the rock. Presumably a temple was dedicated to the worship of the Bodhisattvas. According to the book, ‘Övörkhangai Aimgiin Toli (p.281.) Yünden gevsh (geshe) came to the territory of the Khalkhas and lived here between 1910-1930, in a place called Dagvachombiin am (valley). He wrote the 3 mantras (Om a a patsa ni dhi (?), Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Bazrapani Hum Phat) of the three main Bodhisattvas on the rock and established a temple to their worship.
The family living in the valley, which is situated below the rock, told us the geshe master made circumambulation (goroo) near the rock, which is about 50 metres from this place.
Jamiyaansengge monk, who had been a monk in Uyangiin Khüree, confirmed that Rigsümgombiin süm was in connection with the geshe master. Jamiyaansengge had not visited the place, when he was a child, but he had heard that the dwelling of the geshe master was there, and there was a temple (süm) as well.
Form Number :
ӨХХД 047
Survey Team :
Team D