Оngiin sum
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Оngiin sum,Оngiin urtuu sum,Ongiin khural,
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Ongiin khural
Type of Temple :
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Bayangol soum
Old Aimag Name :
Sain Noyon
Old Sum Name :
Zuun soum of Uizen Vangiin khoshuu
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Өвөрхангай аймаг Баянгол сум Онгийн хурал Хуучин Сайн Ноён хан аймгийн Үйзэн вангийн хошуу нутаг, одоогийн Өвөрхангай аймгийн Баянгол сумын Онгийн голын баруун бие эрэгт Онгийн өртөө сум, Онгийн сүм, Онгийн хурал хэмээн нутгийнхан 3 янзаар нэрлэдэг нэгэн сүм бий.19-р зууны дунд үеэр байгуулагдсан гэх энэ сүм үүсгэн байгуулагч нь тодорхойгүй, зоч лүйжэнч лам нар хурдаг Улааны чиглэлийн сүм байсан бололтой.Туурийн баруун талд цагаан цайвар өнгийн шавар хэрэмний туурь бий.Онгийн сүмийн тухай дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл олдоогүй болно.
Description of location :
The site is located on the west bank of the Ongiin gol river.
GPS readings :
North 45° 57’ East 103° 16’
Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: У150 Side2: Ө150 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
Stone and brick boundaries of a main assembly hall, many buildings and courtyards are visible. Destroyed stupas, place of litter and supposed place of burning are on the site as well. Relic hunters have visited the place and dug there. Many pot fragments and some terracotta fragments and some tiles were found as well.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Year : Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Monks in Old Temple :
Notes :
According to the book of Danzangiin Mangaa (Senjit Khadnii duun, published in 2000) relay stations were situated near Ongiin ovoo and Ünegt. Maidar also marks the monastery as örtöö süm i.e. relay station temple. An old man called Bandi is living in the sum who belonged to Ongiin khural before the purges. People gave instructions for this monks dwelling, but he moved some days ago and the surveyors couldn’t find him anywhere. Thus, there is no information about the monastery, as the local people couldn’t serve data on the monastery. As the traces show, the monastery was situated very close to the river. There was a fenced-off main assembly hall and many courtyards, where buildings (dwellings) and maybe yurts were situated. Stupas could be in front of and behind the complex. Traces of litter are visible southeast of the complex. On the south-east traces of burning are visible.
Form Number :
ӨХБГ 059
Survey Team :
Team C