Golyn datsan

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Golyn datsan ,Aralyn surguuli,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Myangadyn khuree

Type of Temple :
Monastic School

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Myangad soum

Old Aimag Name :
Zasagt Khan

Old Sum Name :
Myangad khoshuu

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Ховд аймгийн Мянгад сум. /Мянгадын хүрээ буюу Голын дацан/ “Дондовганданпилжээлин” сүм, “Түгдэвганданпилжээлин “сүм Анх Мянгадын хошуу нутгийн гол үндсэн хүрээ болох Мянгадын хүрээг байгуулсан тухай түүхийн эх сурвалж баримтад “...Мянгад ястаны нутаг хошуунд сүм хийд анх үүссэн нь:хошуу нутгийн төв Жанчитын хар өвөр гэх газар ХIY жарны гал морин жил /1846 он/-д Чогчин хурлын дуган барьж сүм хийдтэй болж, Гомбо сахиусыг гол шүтээн болгон тахиж жас жав үүсгэжээ.18 жил болоод газар нутгийн шинж байдал тохирох үгүй хэмээн нүүж хуучин дуганыг эзгүй орхиод 1864-1876 он хүртэл 12 жилийн турш эсгий гэрээр нүүдэллэн явж бурхан шүтээнээ тахиж байжээ.1876 онд Түгж ханбо, Жигжид гавж зэрэг 100 гаруй лам энэ хүрээнд сууж ном уншин байв. Энэ үед Бүгдийн дарга байсан Шагдар Түгж Ханбо нар нийт ард олны хандив туслалцаатайгаар хөрөнгө цугларуулан Чогчин, Цаннид хоёр дацангийн дуган сүмийг жас сангийн хамт Ховд голд байгуулаад Чойр хурлыг тогтмол хуруулсан. Энэ үеэс Мянгадын гол хүрээг “ Голын дацан” гэж нэрлэх болсон...” хэмээсэн баримт Үндэсний төв архивт хадгалагдаж байна. 20-р зууны эхээр энэ хүрээ нь 2 сүм дугантай, 100 гаруй ламтай, 2 жастай бэсрэгхэн хүрээ байжээ. Уг хүрээ 1937 оны үед бүрмөсөн хаагдсан ба одоо уг хүрээний хоёр дуганы тууриас бараг юу ч үлдээгүй байна.

Description of location :
The site is located on the western saddle of the Khan Khukh Mountain range, on the eastern shoreline of the Khovd River on land of the Chatsarganat brigade centre, Myangad sum of Khovd province. The site on the shoreline of the Khovd Gol is sandy land with feather grass and sakhildag plants. Since 1948 to the mid-1990s, the site was occupied by the brigade centre and a primary school. These days the site is not occupied by any settlement. Closest to the historical site is Myangad Sum, 37. km away. To the east in 30 km. is a mountain, Altan Khukh, which is worshiped by the state.

GPS readings :
North 48° 29’  East 091°  39’

Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: 400 Side2: 200 Side3: 6 Side4: 6 Side5: Side6:

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
The settlement of the brigade center since 1948 and the location of the primary school on the historical site means any traces of the previous establishment are disappearing. The loss of traces is more apparent since 1990 when the locals dismantled the Datsan base and demolished the site wreckage. However, during our team visit we sighted a few traces such as bases of buildings, the stone base of a ger and remnants from the watchtower near the datsan base. In the southwest part of the site is a remnant from the datsan watchtower which measures about 11 m. and 1 - 1.2 m. tall. This is distinct in appearance by the way the bricks were arranged, site erosion and the construction method. Inside this watchtower is a remnant is part of a ger foundation made from river ashlars. This remnant reflects the left side half of the ger foundation and its remaining half is covered by sand. Lately, this part of the site did not have any constructions built. Some parts of the northeast of the site have traces of the former watchtower, a small building, a ger base, remnants and some dirt mounds. To the east and west of the recently-demolished building are a small building which was probably a study hall, remnants which could be of ger foundation and a dirt mound. Today, the site is home to grazing livestock. At least two areas in the east part of the site have been excavated. Locals say that these were dug up during in 1949 -50 and revealed theology books. In the middle of the site is a row of three small, old, adjoining building bases, a convex dirt mound and the stones of a base. Surrounding these remnants is an area that is big enough to be the main temple of Datsan and this area was not occupied by any buildings during the settlement of the brigade centre. Locals are not aware of the whereabouts of the main temple of Datsan. The main Datsan base and other remnants are disappearing.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1937 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо хаагдсан: 1938 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо нураагдсан:: 1948 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо нураагдсан:: 1948 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
100 monks
about 100 monks
100 monks
about 100 monks

Notes :
1. In 1948, construction of the first primary school gave children of Uuld and Myangad ethnic groups access to modern education. This school was built on the former Goliin Datsan base which is on the shoreline of Khuvd River in land of Chatsarganat brigade of Myangad Sum. Since the establishment of this primary school, named Arliin school, locals started to call this area Arliin School which is still used among the locals. Prior to the school, the area name was Orgikhiin Denj (The embankment of Orgikh), a name known to the local elders only. 7. Much of what was built on the reclaimed site has disappeared and the area’s soil has been eroded because this site was occupied by the brigade centre, the primary school and was also home to herders during autumn and winter. Therefore, the historical site and the base of a datsan are roughly measured.

Form Number :
ХОМД 111

Survey Team :
Team А

Газрын зураг / Map