Burgasny Khiid
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Burgasny Khiid ,Bor Burgasny Khiid,
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Tsagaan burgasny khiid
Type of Temple :
Monastic School
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Zereg sum
Old Aimag Name :
Zasagt Khan
Old Sum Name :
Zakhchin khoshuu
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Ховд аймгийн Зэрэг сум. Цагаан бургасны хийд Уг хийдийг Төгрөгийн хүрээнээс тасарч 1864 онд Буур гол хэмээх газар байгуулсан байна. Лхам бурхныг гол шүтээн болгож тахих болжээ. Энэ дацанг Улиастайн дацан гэж өөрөөр ч нэрлэдэг байв. Энэ хүрээнд Чойр хурна. Мөн цам гардаг. Бас Рашаатын хурал гэж Хайлан хурдаг хурал байсан. Уг хийд нь 1930-аад оны үед 60 шахам ламтай, 3 дацантай бага шиг хийд байж байгаад хаагдсан байна.
Description of location :
The soil at the end of Khar Us lake and on the western bank of the Zereg river is sandy. During the summer and autumn grass grows in abundance. Herders settle in the area from autumn to spring. The monastery site is located in 5Km from the Zereg river. Currently it is in the centre of the Burgas bag of Zereg sum. The bag was established on the old monastery site in the 1960s. No other sacred sites were evident in the vicinity.
GPS readings :
North 47° 10’ East 092° 44’
Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: 500 Side2: 500 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
Given that the Burgas bag centre was sited on the site of the Burgas monastery site, the remains of the old site have been damaged. In addition the site has also been damaged by desertification. However some sections of the monastery walls remain. The locals demolished the original buildings and used the materials for housing. The remaining sections of the walls have been used for animal shelters, mainly for horses so locals call it horse fence. During the Socialist era the remains of the walls were 50 cm thick and over 4 m high. But since then the walls have perished slightly. Locals have added to the walls, so the difference in the construction technique, bricks and cement is noticeable. We have taken photos to show this. The locals confirm that the remains of the walls are indeed from Burgas khuree. There was a small construction next to the, which was taken down and moved away last year by the owner. There are no other visible remains of the monastery. 20Km to the south of the site there is a spring that was used by the monks. It is called Noyon bulag (the Noble Spring). During the time the monastery was destroyed and the monks arrested, a great number of Buddha statues, bells and snuff bottles were hidden in the spring. The locals believe some of these objects are still in the spring. However, as the locals also believe that the spring curses, they do not try to dig up the spring. It is said some have tried and had troubles. This was the biggest Zakhchin monastery with over 500 monks.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1938 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:001
Огноо нураагдсан:: 1950 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:001
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Monks in Old Temple :
360 monks
360 monks
Notes :
1. The old khuree that is located 12Km from the Khovd province Zereg sum centre, is called Bor Burgasnii khuree or Bor Burgasnii khiid by the locals.
2. Б.Ринчений бүртгэлд Цагаан бургасны хийд Буур голд байрлана гэсэн байна. Харин энд Цагаан бургас гэдэг газар, Буур нэртэй гол байхгүй гэж болно.
7. The bag centre, which is built on the old site, covers an area of around one square kilometre
11. In 1938 the monasteries were closed and the books and sutras were scattered in the wind. In the 1950s monastery buildings were destroyed as bag centre building began.
Form Number :
ХОЗР 108
Survey Team :
Team B