Ulaan sum

Name(s) of Temple :
Ulaan sum,Uliastain sum,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Uliastain khiid,Dashbonkhorlin, Dashgongorlin

Type of Temple :
Monastic School

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Uench soum

Old Aimag Name :
Zasagt Khan

Old Sum Name :
Khovdyn khyzgaar zakhchin khoshuu

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Ховд аймгийн Үенч сум, Улиастайн хийд / Үенчийн улаан сүм / 1773 онд Үенчийн Улиастайн Ендэртийн аманд энэ сүм байгуулагджээ. Сүмийн нэр нь Дашгонгорлин, Дашбонхорлин гэдэг байв. Улаан сүм бол бурхан шашны гүн ухааны онолын номыг асуулт хариултын маягаар сурч судалдаг сургууль номын орон газар байв. Иймд улаан сүмийг Чойр дацан, Номын дацан гэдэг байжээ. Улаан сүм нь гучаад жил оршин тогтноод 1800-аад оны эхээр таржээ. Гэр дугантай өөр нэг жалгын хуралУлаан сүмээс холгүй байсан ба энэ хурлыг Чогцавын дацан гэдэг байжээ. Тэр дацанд хурал номын залбирал , тахил үйлддэг байв. Мөн харъяалалд нь Чогцавын жас гэж байжээ. Чогцавын хурал нь Улаан сүмийн хамт тарсан байна. Улиастайн хийдэд Сэрхэг хийдийн дэгтэй, газар номхотгох цам гардаг байжээ. Энэ цамын дэг ёсыг үүсгэн номлогч нь гуравдугаар үндсэн ламтан Чүлтэмням /1811-1852/ болно. Холбогдох эх сурвалж: 1.Ж. Цолоо.Б. Батжав “ Арвангурван сангийн орон” УБ 2004 2. Б. Банди, Ч. Дангаасүрэн “ Сэтгэлээс уяатай Үенч нутаг” УБ 2006 Үндсэн ламтны таван дүр: Захчин хошуунд шарын шашин дэлгэрүүлсэн шашны зүтгэлтэн лам нар олон байсан юм. Богд Зонховын шашныг зүүн гарын улсад мандуулан хөгжүүлсэн хүн бол Хутагт Намхайжамц /1599-1662/ юм. Намхайжамцын үйлсийг залгамжилсан 5 үндсэн ламтан Захчины 7 дацан хийдийг толгойлон захирч байжээ. Энэ 5 үндсэн ламтанд Лувсанренчин, Чүлтэмренчин/ 1705-1788/ тойн, Чүлтэмням /1811-1851/ , Наваанлувсанжамбал /1853-1873/, Данзанлигшэдчинрэвдалай /1875-1941/ нарын эдгээр таван дүр болно.

Description of location :
About 80 km. long, the gorge Uliastai Gorge juts out into the Bulgan river bank south of the Mongolian Altai mountain. The Mongolian Altai mountain is traversed by the Altai Mountain range. The gorge is home to an abundance of aspens and willows. Our team witnessed a deer and a doe in their habitat. The top of the gorge has a few black trees and inside the gorge is a worshiped owoo of 13 stupas. Herders’ summer-quarters are nearby the top of the gorge and autumn, winter and spring quarters surround the bottom of the gorge. There is no homestead nearby the gorge.

GPS readings :
North 46° 25’  East 091°  45’

Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: 500 Side2: 100 Side3: 15 Side4: 20 Side5: Side6:

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
Traces of the temple site, Uliastain Khuree, located at the Sairiin entrance of the gorge Uliastia are left intact. This is apparent by the condition of a stone fence which frames the temple site. Tsogchen Dugan, situated in the centre of the temple, is a square building made of a stone foundation and brick walls measuring 15 x 20 m. and 6 m. tall. Three walls of the building are intact and clearly visible from afar. There were numerous buildings with stone walls at this site. A few of these buildings remain still standing at the southeast, northeast and northwest of the temple site. Inside the stone fence are several bases for Mongolian gers (based on a rim encircling the base, stones stuck onto the soil and step-stones). It could be said that inside the temple fence, gers and buildings existed side-by-side. Also the temple base can be divided into two separate areas: one that housed monks’ dwellings and one that was occupied by temples. During autumn, the residents of the temple were moved to the Uliastain am where they lived among the locals. In present days, some of the stone bases are used by the herders as a barnyard and a place to keep fodder. Crossing the foundation is a road diagonally set (cutting the foundation into two separate parts) changing the original appearance of the site. Apart from this change, there is no new settlement at the site.

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
50 monks
60 monks
50 monks
60 monks

Notes :
1. The name “Uliastia Church” is the commonly accepted name by the locals. In literature, the temple is referenced with a name “Uliastain Red Church”. In his work, Prof. B.Rinchen, who was aware of the Tibetan name, also mentioned this site as “Uliastai Monastery, Dashbonkhorlin and Dashgongorlin stand in an area called Shar Nuruu occupying the land of Uench Sum”. The place Share Nuruu was not located in this area and there is an extension of the Altain Mountain named Shaazgaitiin Nuruu, thus the names could have been mixed up. The area where the temple site stands is called Uliastain Sairiin Am. 1. In some research works, the site referred as “Uliastia’s Red Church” 11. After the monastery was closed up in 1938, an army, a school of Bulgan sum and some other sum affiliations removed the remains found on the site to recycle for other purpose.

Form Number :
ХОҮЧ 099

Survey Team :
Team А

Газрын зураг / Map