Ekh daginiin aimgiin khural
Read in English
Сүм хийдийн нэр :
Ekh daginiin aimgiin khural,
Ринчений зураг дах дугаар :
Ринчений жагсаалт дах нэр :
Ekh daginiin aimgiin khural
Сүм хийдийн төрөл :
Байрлах аймаг :
Аймгийн хуучин нэр :
Байршлын тайлбар :
On the right of Züün Khüree Dashchoilin monastery, near Baga toiruu, Sükhbaatar district, 8th khoroo
GPS хаяг :
North 47° 55’ East 106° 55’
Сүм хэвээрээ үлдсэн :
Судалгаа явуулах үеийн байдал :
The wooden yurt-shaped temple building of the aimag survived, but has been re-built and refurnished many times. Together with two other similar yurt-shaped temple buildings, (of Erkhem toinii aimag and Wangain aimag), it represents the old Züün Khüree as only these three temple buildings survived up to this day. The big round shaped aimag temple was used as a circus from the 1940’s becoming the Circus College in the 1950s where new generations of circus performers were and are still trained. This building remains today and is still used by the Circus College. Several extensions have been added to the original building which are used for different purposes for example a night club, a bar and a food shop. Despite of these changes to the outer appearance, the round shaped interior with its red supporting pillars still resembles a temple hall and retains the atmosphere from the old time. It is more spacious than the two temples of Züün Khüree Dashchoilin monastery nearby, which now operates in the old temples of Erkhem toinii aimag and Wangain aimag (UBNR 942 NOT in Rinchen 942) next to this building. Züün Khüree Dashchoilin monastery has plans to buy this old temple building and to establish a religious monastic school in it.
Өөр зорилгоор ашиглагдах болсон :
This building remains today and is still used by the Circus College. Several extensions have been added to the original building which are used for different purposes for example a night club, a bar and a food shop.
Сүм хийд байгуулагдсан он :
Сүм хийд хаагдсан, нураагдсан он :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1938 the temple was closed - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо нураагдсан:: - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Өөр зорилгоор ашиглагдах болсон :
This building remains today and is still used by the Circus College. Several extensions have been added to the original building which are used for different purposes for example a night club, a bar and a food shop.
тухайн газар шинэ сүм дугана баригдсан :
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Date of Reviving:
Year : - Number of recorded interview:
хуучин хийдийн лам нар
52 in 1938
Тэмдэглэл :
For more detailed information on the history see UBR 926 AM.pdf. All data on this temple is kindly provided by Kristina Teleki and Zsuzsa Majer who retain copyright. See relevant section in Monasteries and Temples of Bogdiin Khüree, Ikh Khüree or Urga, the Old Capital City of Mongolia in the First Part of the Twentieth Century: Zsuzsa Majer, Krisztina Teleki Budapest, Hungary. Ulaanbaatar 2006
Хүснэгтийн дугаар :
UBR 926
судалгааны баг :
Team: Д