Dashchoinkhorlin khiid
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Сүм хийдийн нэр :
Dashchoinkhorlin khiid,Buyant-yeröölt süm,Buyan yerööltiin süm,ENG: Dashchoinkhorlin monastery,TIB: bkra-shis chos-’khor gling,
Ринчений зураг дах дугаар :
Ринчений жагсаалт дах нэр :
Dashchoinkhorlin khiid
Сүм хийдийн төрөл :
Байрлах аймаг :
Аймгийн хуучин нэр :
Байршлын тайлбар :
The fenced-off temple complex of Dashchoinkhorlin monastery was situated on the left bank of Selbe River, north-west of Dambadarjaa monastery in Chingeltei Mountain area. GPS was taken at the gate of the fenced-off area that indicates where the monastery once stood.
GPS хаяг :
North 48° 00’ East 106° 56’
Сүм хэвээрээ үлдсэн :
Судалгаа явуулах үеийн байдал :
There is nothing remaining of this large monastic complex beyond some lines and heaps of bricks and stones. Today, the exact area where the monastery once stood is fenced-off and a pillar wrapped in blue khadags stands in its center. There is a small hut in the enclosure but it is new.
Сүм хийд байгуулагдсан он :
Сүм хийд хаагдсан, нураагдсан он :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1937 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
тухайн газар шинэ сүм дугана баригдсан :
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
хуучин хийдийн лам нар
50-60 lamas in residence before 1937
Тэмдэглэл :
See UBR 936 AM.pdf for more information about this monastery. The fenced-off temple complex of Dashchoinkhorlin monastery was situated on the left bank of Selbe River, north-west of Dambadarjaa monastery in Chingeltei Mountain area. It was founded in 1778 with the participation of Zorigt wan, Yündendorj (1778-1828), who was a governor (amban) at the time. According to Pürew, (Mongoliin uls töriin töw, p. 34., Mongol töriin golomt, pp. 88-89.), the monastery was founded in 1789. According to Banzragch (p.15), the area occupied by the monastery was 238×201 ald and more than 100 lamas belonged to it. According to Dashtseren lama, before 1937 the monastic complex comprised of about ten buildings with about 50-60 lamas in residence. According to Pürew’s book (Mongol töriin golomt, pp. 88-89), in the beginning this monastery was independent, but later it came to belong to the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs (Erdene shanzodwiin yaam).
Photographs in the Film Archive and in Forbáth’s book, and a picture in B. Daajaw’s book (to be published in 2007) show a monastic complex with Tibetan-style white buildings and a protective wall (yampai, yang pai in Chinese) in front of the monastery. On either sides of the main entrance, there were two high wooden flag poles (called chii-ga/chii-gan). The entrance temple, Temple of Maharajas (Makhranziin süm), housed the statues of the guards of the four direction.
According to Dariimaa (p. 45), the main temple (Tsogchin) was a two-storey brick building with a painting showing demberel yanlag junai (TIB: rten-’brel yan-lag bcu-gnyis), the twelve aspects of interdependent origination on the wall of the first floor. B. Daajaw marks three small shrines at the back of the Tsogchin temple in his book. Accordig to him, the middle one was called Jagjtüw (probably Shagjtüw, TIB: shakya thub-pa) dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha. Three other temples surrounded the main temple: two on the west, namely the Buddha temple (Zuu süm, TIB: jo-bo) and the Kalachakra temple (Düinkhoriin süm, TIB: dus-’khor) in front of it, and one on the east, called the temple of the Five kings (tawan khaan, TIB: sku lnga rgyal-po). Geleta gives a vivid (Forbáth, pp. 158-168.) description of Dashchoinkhorlin monastery as he witnessed a ceremony there. Its main temple was a masterpiece of the Tibetan style. According to Geleta (Forbáth, p. 162.), the monumental north temple of the monastery housed a huge statue of Buddha surrounded by only three walls as in the south there was a roof-terrace on the first floor from where people could enter. In addition, there were two small rooms one on the right and the other on the left. Religious accessories, clothing and other ritual objects like masks for the Tsam dance were stored in the east room. The western room housed ‘equipment’ that was kept secret, such as special robes and musical instruments, bows, swords, hats and helmets and embroidered ceremonial robes.
In the north-east corner of the complex, a two-storey wooden temple called the Green Palace (Nogoon Lawran/Lawrin) stood within its own fence. It is said that the Bogd khaan and Queen Dondogdulam stayed in this palace when they visited the area. After Dondogdulam passed away, the Bogd khaan built a stupa for her.
There was also a wooden shed on the hill. According to B. Daajaw it enhoused the stone carvings of Yamantaka.
According to Dariimaa (p. 45.), a lama with either a gawj (TIB: dka’ bcu, ‘ten hardships’, a philosophical rank) or agramba (TIB: sngags-rams-pa, rank in tantric studies) degree was nominated from Ikh Khüree to perform the tsorj rank of Dashchoinkhorlin.
According to Dashtseren lama, a Tsam ritual dance was performed in the monastery on the 29th day of the last winter month. Dariimaa claims (p. 45.) that Tsam was held once a year on the 29th of the last summer month. It is most probable that it was performed twice a year, with significant differences. Photos in the Film Archive show how big this complex was (K-23612-23635, box 92), and there are also many pictures showing scenes of Tsam dance performed here (K-24725- 24891, 95 box, see also the photos in Forbáth’s book) in the summer.
Lamas lived in fenced-off wooden buildings to the south of the monastery. According to Dariimaa (p. 45.) they lived in Zoogoin aimag which was the only aimag belonging to the monastery.
The monastery was forced to cease operation in 1937.
All data on this temple is kindly provided by Kristina Teleki and Zsuzsa Majer who retain copyright. See relevant section in Monasteries and Temples of Bogdiin Khüree, Ikh Khüree or Urga, the Old Capital City of Mongolia in the First Part of the Twentieth Century: Zsuzsa Majer, Krisztina Teleki Budapest, Hungary. Ulaanbaatar 2006
Хүснэгтийн дугаар :
UBR 936
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