Choinkhorlin süm /khural
Read in English
Сүм хийдийн нэр :
Choinkhorlin süm /khural,Nomiin khürdiin süm,TIB: chos-khor gling,ENG: Choinkhorlin temple ,
Ринчений зураг дах дугаар :
Сүм хийдийн төрөл :
Байрлах аймаг :
Сум :
Nearby Dar’ ekhiin süm
Аймгийн хуучин нэр :
Түшээт хан
Байршлын тайлбар :
GPS was taken at Dar’ ekhiin süm (UBR 931 Rinchen 931) and is given here only to mark the area of Amgalan (its temples were situated very near to each other). This temple was situated to the south-west of Dar’ ekhiin süm, outside the walls of the Chinese Town.
GPS хаяг :
North 47° 54’ East 106° 59’
Сүм хэвээрээ үлдсэн :
Судалгаа явуулах үеийн байдал :
There are no known remains. Based on the sources, the exact sites of the temples of Amgalan can be determined roughly in relation to the ruins of Dar’ ekh temple (UBR 931 Rinchen 931) and the remnants of a Chinese store building. In the whole area there are no temple remnants other than that of Dar’ ekh temple.
тухайн газар шинэ сүм дугана баригдсан :
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
хуучин хийдийн лам нар
Тэмдэглэл :
Choinkhorlin süm was one of the six Mongolian assemblies situated around the Chinese town (Maimaachen), in the present area of Amgalan. However, Rinchen only records Dashsamdanlin datsan (Rinchen 935) and Choinkhorlin temple is one of the five he omitted.
According to Pürew’s book (pp. 104-105.), the small assembly of Choinkhorlin was situated in the south area of baruun khoroo (the western quarter outside the Chinese town).
According to Sereeter (p. 82.), the temples Dagdanlin (UBNR 958 NOT in Rinchen 958), Choinkhorlin, Dejidlin (UBNR 956 NOT in Rinchen 956) and Puntsoglin (UBNR 957 NOT in Rinchen 957) were temples of the four aimags with the same names situated around the Maimaachen. Forty lamas belonged to Puntsoglin aimag and 80-90 lamas to the others. These temples had their own financial units, along with the aimag believer’s donations and offerings serving as the financial basis of their operation. He also says that the lamas in these four aimags used to participate in the ceremonies of Dashsamdanlin datsan (UBR 935 Rinchen 935).
No further data was found on this temple. See UBNR 955 AM.pdf. All data on this temple is kindly provided by Kristina Teleki and Zsuzsa Majer who retain copyright. See relevant section in Monasteries and Temples of Bogdiin Khüree, Ikh Khüree or Urga, the Old Capital City of Mongolia in the First Part of the Twentieth Century: Zsuzsa Majer, Krisztina Teleki Budapest, Hungary. Ulaanbaatar 2006.
Хүснэгтийн дугаар :
UBNR 955
судалгааны баг :
Team: Д