Erleg nomun khaanii süm
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Erleg nomun khaanii süm ,ENG: Temple of the Lord of Death,
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Erleg nomun khaanii süm
Type of Temple :
Aimag Temple located in :
Ulan Bator
Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan
Description of location :
GPS was taken at Dar’ ekhiin süm (UBR 931 Rinchen 931) and is given here only to mark the area of Amgalan (its temples were situated very near to each other). This temple was situated immediately to the west of Dar’ ekhiin süm.
GPS readings :
North 47° 54’ East 106° 59’
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
There are no visible remains. Based on the sources, the exact sites of the temples of Amgalan can be determined roughly in relation to the ruins of Dar’ ekh temple (UBR 931 Rinchen 931) and the remnants of a Chinese store building. In the whole area there are no other temple remnants than that of Dar’ ekh temple.
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Monks in Old Temple :
Notes :
For more information see UBR 929 AM.pdf Numerous temples were built in and around the Chinese town (Maimaachen) situated in the present area of Amgalan. Rinchen’s map marks seven of them. However, according to Pürew and Sereeter (p. 82.), there were an additional seven temples and shrines. The Mongolian assemblies were located outside the fenced-off area of Maimaachen, while the Chinese temples were situated mostly inside in the south-east quarter (khoroolol). One of the Chinese temples was Erlig nomun khaanii süm. According to O. Pürew, there were two temples dedicated to Erlig khaan or the ‘Lord of Death’ in Amgalan and he claims (Mongol töriin golomt, p. 102.) that the temple referred to in this entry was inside the wall of the Chinese town, while the other was situated near the Chinese cemetery on the north-west (UBNR 948 NOT in Rinchen 948). According to Pürew’s book Erleg khaanii süm was situated on the left (west) of Dar’ ekhiin süm (UBR 931 Rinchen 931) and on its left Mujaanii or Urchuudiiin süm (UBR 932 Rinchen 932) was located.
According to Rinchen’s map No. 44, there were also temples to the honour of Erleg/Erlig in Khowd, Uliastai and Khyagt as these towns also had Chinese inhabitants.
According to S. Dulam (p. 106.) Erlig khaan was celebrated in the middle spring month, on the day of the deceased (Khansh neej ödör), and on this occasion a Chinese style theatre-style play was performed.
No other data was found.
All data on this temple is kindly provided by Kristina Teleki and Zsuzsa Majer who retain copyright. See relevant section in Monasteries and Temples of Bogdiin Khüree, Ikh Khüree or Urga, the Old Capital City of Mongolia in the First Part of the Twentieth Century: Zsuzsa Majer, Krisztina Teleki Budapest, Hungary. Ulaanbaatar 2006
Form Number :
UBR 929
Survey Team :
Team C