Өвгөн суварганы хурал

Read in English

Сүм хийдийн нэр :
Өвгөн суварганы хурал,Өндөр гэгээний хүй дарсан суварга,Өвгөн цагаан суварга,Өвгөн суварга,Есөн зүйлийн суварга,

Ринчений зураг дах дугаар :

Сүм хийдийн төрөл :

Байрлах аймаг :

Сум :
Есөн зүйл сум, Тахилын баг

Аймгийн хуучин нэр :
Түшээт хан

Сумын хуучин нэр :
Илдэн бэйлийн хошуу

Байршлын тайлбар :
Есөн зүйлийн голоос баруун зүгт сумын төвөөс баруун урагшаа оршино.

GPS хаяг :
North 46° 24’  East 103°  48’

Сүм хэвээрээ үлдсэн :

Судалгаа явуулах үеийн байдал :
A new huge stupa was erected on the ruins of the old one. Behind the stupa temple the 8 stupa of Buddha were erected on the old place. This temple, which houses the huge stupa was built on 4 October, 2001.

Сүм хийд байгуулагдсан он :

Сүм хийд хаагдсан, нураагдсан он :
Огноо нураагдсан:: 1937 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

тухайн газар шинэ сүм дугана баригдсан :

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:
Year : 2001.10.04 - Number of recorded interview: А 05

хуучин хийдийн лам нар

Тэмдэглэл :
Öndör gegeenii khüi darsan suvraga was erected in 1640 in honour of Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar who was born in this place in 1635. The place where his father, Gombodorj’s ger was situated can be seen northeast of the stupa. Historians came here some years ago and confirmed the fact that Gombodorj and his wife, Khandjamts’s yurt stood here and this is the birthplace of Öndör Gegeen. According to the legend 9 kinds of flowers and 9 kinds of sources originated from this area at the time of Öndör Gegeen’s birth. So this place is called 9 züil (9 kinds). That time 1 large and 8 smaller stupas were erected and with some temples everyday ceremony was started. Övgön suvraga was the first stupa, which was dedicated to Öndör Gegeen, therefore its name became Old Stupa. According to Jamba, who once belonged to Yesön züiliin khural, 2 monks lived next to the stupa permanently who made incense offerings. There were no other stupas surrounding the Old stupa, which was housed in a temple building surrounded by a fence. North of this stupa 8 stupas were situated. On the ruins of the old stupa, a new stupa was consecrated on 4th October 2001 when many monks and believers, Pürevbat monk and the president himself came to visit this place. A big feast was held as well. As Yesön Züiliin khural was originally situated next to the stupa but had to move further to a hill on the west because of the floods of Yesön Züiliin gol, a new temple was also built on the hill (ÖKHÖT010) not too far from the stupa. The present stupa temple is a temple of worship now, without monks who live here permanently. On special occasions thousands of butter lamps are lit. On the treasure vase of the stupa Ushnishavijaya can be seen, and could be seen in the old times. The place where the trace of Öndör gegeen’s yurt is visible is situated northeast of the stupas. Although Jamba mentioned only one large and 8 other stupas, some stone parts also remained surrounding the old one. According to Oyuuna they are remains of stupas but actually it can’t be determined what they were.

Хүснэгтийн дугаар :
ӨХЕЗ 011

судалгааны баг :
Team: Д

Газрын зураг :