Khugniin shuteen

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Khugniin shuteen,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Khugniin shuteen

Type of Temple :
Temporary Assembly

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Omnodelger soum

Old Aimag Name :
Setsen Khan

Old Sum Name :
Mergen gunii khoshuu

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Хэнтий аймгийн Өмнөдэлгэр сумын Хөгнийн шүтээн Хөгнийн шүтээн нь хуучин Сэцэн хан аймгийн Мэргэн гүний хошуу одоогийн Хэнтий аймгийн Өмнөдэлгэр сумын нутагт, тал хээрийн бүсэд, ардаа Зүүн Хөгнө, баруун талдаа Баруун Хөгнө, урдаа Баян тэв, баруун урдаа Барчин хэмээх уулаар хүрээлүүлэн оршиж байжээ. Аман эх сурвалж: Цэрэнпунцаг хувилгаан буюу Ламааданд зориулж хурлын модон дуган босгосон гэж ярилцдаг. Энэ хувилгааныг 5 настайд нь тодруулсан бөгөөд 1940 оны үед 12 настайдаа баригджээ.

Description of location :
The site is in ,an open valley range. Some of the landmarks that surround the site are Zuun Khugnu mountain at the rear of the site, Zuun Khugnu’s extension Baruun Khugnu in the west, mesas named Lamiin Ukhaa and Khajuu Bulgiin Ukhaa in the east, Bayan Tuv in the south and a mountain called Barchin in the west.

GPS readings :
North 47° 07’  East 110°  10’

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
On the 24th of May, 2007, a stupa commemorating Tserenpuntsag Gombo, also known as Lamaadan The Incarnated, was built on a mound of dirt that could have been of the temple site.

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
not clear
not clear

Notes :
Locals say that the Chanting temple, a wooden temple, was built for Lamaadan, also known as Tserenpuntsag the Incarnated who was chosen to be the reincarnated at age 5. In 1940, when he was 12 years old, he was arrested. This story was written by an author and journalist, Dojoodorj. Our guides to the site were Gombo Sambuu, born in 1944 and Altangerel Dolinjav, born in 1937. Both from Umnudelger sum of Khentii province.

Form Number :
ХЭРД 070

Survey Team :
Team F

Дашийн Батгомбо

Oral History :

Газрын зураг / Map