Mustiin khural

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Mustiin khural,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Mustiin khural

Type of Temple :
Temporary Assembly

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Norovlin soum

Old Aimag Name :
Setsen Khan

Old Sum Name :
Erdene Dalai vangiin khoshuu

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Хэнтий аймгийн Норовлин сумын Мөстийн хурал Хуучнаар Сэцэн хан аймгийн Эрдэнэ далай вангийн хошуу, одоогийн Хэнтий аймгийн Норовлин сумын нутагт, тал хээрийн бүсэд, сумын төвөөс зүүн хойд зүгт 22 км-т, Улз голын хойд талд, урдаа Найнга, зүүн талдаа Далт уул, хойноо Номгон уул, баруун талдаа Байшинт ухаагаар хүрээлүүлэн уг хурал оршиж байжээ. Холбогдох эх сурвалж: Хэнтий аймгийн Норовлин сумын түүхэн тэмдэглэл

Description of location :
The site is found in a plain valley, north of Ulz river, south of Nainga mountain, east of Dalt uum and a mountain Nomgon at the northern side. Also to its west is a tall cliff, Baishint, at its southwest and west are mountains called Urd Dush and Uguumur Khairkhan which are both worshiped. The site is also 22 km. northeast of the sum centre.

GPS readings :
North 48° 46’  East 111°  58’

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
In some part of the site, there is a mound of stones in a small area. A well 500 m. northwest of the site base is now restored and being used. This area is a summer quarter to the locals.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Lam Tumur

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : Lam Tumur - Ярилцлагын дугаар: Khentii aimgyn Norovlin sumyn tuukh

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
not clear
not clear

Notes :
Our guide to the location was Munkhmedekh Rentsenbazar, a herder of 3rd brigade in Norovlin sum, born on the 24th of November, 1975.

Form Number :
ХЭНЛ 100

Survey Team :
Team F

Газрын зураг / Map