Dalain eejiin jas
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Dalain eejiin jas,
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Dalijiin khural
Type of Temple :
Not Known
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Bayn-onjuul soum
Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan
Old Sum Name :
Daichin beisiin khoshuu
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Төв аймаг Баян өнжүүл сум. Далай ээжийн жас Хуучин Түшээт хан аймгийн Дайчин бэйсийн хошуу одоогийн Баян өнжүүл сумын төвөөс урагш Баян хошууны худгийн баруун талд энэ хурал төвхнөж байжээ.Энэ газар нь 1973 оноос өмнө хуучин Баян бараат сумын 2-р багийн нутагт байжээ.Далай ээжийн жас нь 100 гаруй ламтай Гомбо сахиус шүтдэг, өндөр гэгээн Занабазар өөрөө сахиусыг нь аравнайлж далай ээж гэж нэр өгсөн тухай нутгийн ахмадууд ярьдаг байжээ.Энэ жас нь чулуун шалтай, нэг модон дугантай унзад нь Цэрэндорж гэдэг хүн байжээ.Мөн Орогдол гэлэн, Сүхбазар, Дэмбээ зэрэг лам нар байсан байна./20-р зууны эхээр/ Тус жас дэргэдээ байсан Эрдэнэ овоо хэмээх овоог тахидаг ба зүүн хойно нь жасын ус болох Баян хошуу хэмээх худагтай байв.Намрын эхэн сарын шинийн 3-нд Майдар эргэх ба Майдрын овоо гэж тусгай овоотой байжээ.Мөн Ганжуур эргэх, Хайлан хурах зэрэг томоохон номын ёслолуудыг хийж гүйцэтгэдэг байв.Энэ хүрээнд Богдын хүрээнээс болон Дэлгэрийн чойроос лам нар ирж хурдаг байжээ.Жасын дэргэд дунд Баян хошуу гэдэг газар Хятад наймаачдын худалдааны мухлаг байсан байна.Далай ээжийн жас нь 1933 онд хаагдаж үйл ажиллагаа нь зогсчээ. /Баян өнжүүл сумын өндөр настан Батсанаа гуайтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.08.17/
Description of location :
Academician B.Rinchen: A valley of Tal Bulag
The site is located in a place called Bayankhoshuu that is southwest from the former 1st and 2nd brigades in Bayan Baraat. The former brigade centers are 90 km. south of the sum centre. South of the site is a well named Bayankhoshuu and nearby is Erdene Owoo worshiped by monks who worked at Jas. Also owoos named Maidar’s surround the site’s four sides. The rearmost of the Jas was once occupied by a Chinese trading company.
GPS readings :
North 45° 32’ East 106° 07’
Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: У150 Side2: Ө100 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
The site is about 90 kilometres from the Sum centre, on the south, in a place called Bayankhoshuu. The well of the monks, Bayankhoshuu khudag, is on the east of the site. The ovoo called Erdene Ovoo is on the north, the monks used to worship it. On the four sides of the site the four ovoos of the Maitreya circumambulation (Maidariin 4 ovoo) are situated. On the north-west there was a Chinese store (Püüs) on the place called Dund Bayankhoshuu, on the hillside of Khamriin Naimaa (GPS: 46.34.162, 106.05.174, 1429 m). The monk Ad-Zana of the new temple in Adaatsag sum centre, living in Bayanönjüül sum, showed the site to the surveyors, and he also showed a place on the north/west (GPS 46.32.610, 106.08.292, 1408 m) in a valley where the books and worship objects were burnt in the purges.
On the site a small ovoo is erected on the north of the old temple building. It is marked with khadag ceremonial scarves. On the site the stone foundations of some buildings are visible.
The measure of the temple itself is 9x9 steps, and there is the foundation of an 5x5 steps Gonkhan (Tib. mgon khang), a separate chapel conjoining it on the north that was used for worship objects and images. (The ovoo is right on its north). The other remnants, said to be monks dwellings, and kitchen are on the north of it.
The stone foundations of two yurts are on the south of the temple remnants. There are stones scattered in the area showing that more buildings must have stood here but there cannot be made out. Pieces of brass pots and iron pins were found.
Ad-Zana monk informed the surveyors that in June, 2007 monks from Adaatsag sum centre came here to perform the Ganjuur ergekh circumambulation here.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1937 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:A 81
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : Undur gegeen Zanabazar /Dalai eejid zoriulan/ - Ярилцлагын дугаар: A81
Date of Reviving:
Monks in Old Temple :
Notes :
Interview with Davaagiin Ad-Zana, monk of the new temple in Adaatsag Sum, born in 1935, living in Bayanönjüül Sum.
According to the informant this jas is situated at the area of the 1st and 2nd Bag of the old Bayanbaraat Sum (now part of Bayanönjüül Sum). It had about 100 monks. The main deity was Gombo. His image was made by Öndör Gegeen himself and placed in this temple. The Unzad (chanting master) was called Tsendorig. There was only one temple building, made of wood, with stone foundations. Building materials were carried to the site from 90 kilometres away on carts. The Jas was founded by Öndör Gegeen himself dedicated to Dalai Eej, his breast-feeding nanny. He founded a separate Jas, Tsakhiurt, for the sister of Dalai Eej, called Avai Eej (in Delgertsogt Sum in Dundgovi, but near to this other Jas). The ovoo called Erdene Ovoo is on the north of the site, and was worshipped by the monks. The Jas was closed in 1937 perhaps (the informant was not sure) and the informant showed us the place on the north-west where books and devotional and ritual objects were burnt. The Jas was situated in the area called Daichin Beisiin Khoshuu. The informant was living near this site, and he had got his information from the local old people who had visited it while it was a working temple, and from its old monks (none of them are still living.) Apart from chanting master Tsendorig, monks Örögdöl, Dembee and Sükhbazar belonged to this Jas too. Maitreya circumambulation was performed here, but Tsam dance was not. Khailen retreat was held. According to him, in summer monks from Delgeriin Choir monastery, the monastery of Zava Damdin, used to come here.
From the book ‘Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar’, by J. Choinkhor, Ulaanbaatar pp. 59-60.
According to this book, Tsakhiurtiin Jas or Dorjdamba Khiid was founded for Avai eej (breast feeding nanny of Zanabazar) in 1663 by Zanabazar (he was 29 years old at that time), at a place called Tsakhiurt / near Baga Gazriin Chuluu. He also founded a separate monastery called Dalai Eej. He gave these two nannies different devotional objects and images of deities and made a temple just for storing them then ceremonies were held in them as well. Dalai Eej Jas belonged in the area of the Bogd (Ikh Shavi) and Avai Eejiin Jas to the area of Üizen Günii Khoshuu. Volumes of the Ganjuur were given to these two monasteries by the Manchu Khan. Later, during the childhood of the second Bogd, because of disturbances coming from western Mongolia, the Otog of Dalai Eej, and its monastery with it devotional objects and Ganjuur moved to the Bogdiin Khüree and became united with the aimag, Khotgoit Luvsan Toin (the aimag was given the new name of Shüteenii Aimag, named after the famous worship object - Shüteen - of Dalai Eejiin Jas, prepared by Öndör Gegeen).
Form Number :
ТӨБӨ 012
Survey Team :
Team C