Darigatyn jas

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Darigatyn jas ,Mandalyn jas,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Dargatain khural

Type of Temple :
Not Known

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Bayntsagaan soum

Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Төв аймаг Баян цагаан сум. Даригатын жас Баян цагаан сумын төвөөс зүүн урагш 30 км-т эх майхан Бага майхан 2 уулын ар талд Хөх хошууны худаг хэмээх энэ газүар Даригатын жас оршиж байжээ.Энэ хурал нь 1890-ээд оны үед байгуулагдсан ба гэр хэлбэрийн шовгор модон дугантай, 10-аад лам сууж хурдаг, байнгын хуралтай жасаа хурал байжээ.20-р зууны эхэн үеэр буюу 1920-оод оны дундуур уг хурлын тэргүүн лам нь Доохүү гэж лам байв.Тус жасаа хурлын лам нар зуны эхэн сар, намрын дунд сард баруун талдаа байх Мандал овоог тахидаг байжээ.Хөх хошууны худгийг Даригатын улаан худаг ч гэж нэрлэдэг байв.Уг хурал 1930-аад оны үед хаагдсан гэх мэдээлэл байна.мөн энэ хуралд шавилан сууж байсан мэдээгээр бол хурлын дуган яг байсан газрыг нь Бурхант гэдэг нэртэй газар бөгөөд хаагдахын өмнө хурлын тэргүүн лам нь Магсар лам гэж байсан.Даригатын жас нь Гомбо, Махгал шүтээнтэй байсан хэмээн үгүйлж байна.Дээрх мэдээллүүдээс үзвэл Даригатын жас нь одоогийн Баян ацгаан сумын нутагт байсан жасаа хурал түр цагийн хурлуудаас харьцанүй том байнгын ажиллагаатай хурал байсан байна. /Баян цагаан сумын иргэн Даригатын жасад шавилан сууж асан Дарам очир Жамбал нар гуйтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.08.13, 14/

Description of location :
B. Rinchen: Maikhan Mountain Thirty 30 km. southeast of the sum centre, at the back of 2 mountains called Ikh Maikhan and Baga Baikhan is an owoo Mandal which was worshipped by the monks of this temple. A well that supplies drinking water to the monks is found behind the owoo. The locals call this well The well of Khukh Khushuu, the well of Darig or The Red Well of Darigad.

GPS readings :
North 46° 30’  East 107°  07’

Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: У 60 Side2: Ө 40 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
Stone foundation of about 8 buildings are visible on the site in different measures. No trace of diggings as the buildings were made of wood. The remnants of the Southwest corner seems to be a round shaped one. Fragments of some objects were found on the site, such as pots, etc. There is an ovoo (Mandaliin ovoo) situating on the West and a well, called Khökh khudag or Darigatiin khudag. Women are not allowed to go up to the ovoo.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: 1937-1938 - Ярилцлагын дугаар:A 78

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
50-100 monks
50-100 monks

Notes :
Interview with Luvsangiin Damba, born in 1927, had been a monk in Darigatiin jas. Currently he is a monk in Zogsoodiin Khüis temple in the centre of Bayantsagaan sum. According to him, Darigatiin jas had about ten monks and additionally about 3-4 young novices. There was only one temple building. There was no stupa. It had only one jas unit. The temple was made of wood but was a yurt shaped one. It was situated in a place called Burkhant. The ovoo called Mandal ovoo was situated on the west of the site, and it was worshipped by the monks. The well of the monks was on the west, too, and was called Khökh khoshuu khudag. The two Maikhan uul mountains were situated on the south, being called Züün (eastern) and Baruun (western) Maikhan uul. The abbot was called Magsar. The informant was not sure about who was the main protector deity of the monastery, but another monk in Bayantsagaan, called D. Serjmetog who was present during the interview, said the main deities were Gombo Makhgal. There were permanent ceremonies there, with everyday chanting. The informant did not know details on the various monthly or yearly ceremonies. He became a monk at his age of 6-7 and was there for four years as the monastery was closed in 1937 or 1938. There was one chanting master and one disciplinary master in the monastery. Monks form other monasteries did not visit the monastery. Puntsogiin Badamochir, who lives in the centre of Bayantsagaan, was born in 1921 and had been a monk in Bambar Erdene lamiin khiid in present Sergelen sum. According to the informant in Darigatiin jas there was only one temple operating in a felt yurt. There were about 5-10 monks, with permanent ceremonies being held. The abbot in the last years was Dookhüü. The ovoo they worshipped was Mandal ovoo. There was no stupa on the site.

Form Number :
ТӨБЦ 002

Survey Team :
Team C

Л. Дамба

Oral History :

Газрын зураг / Map

Site Plan

Site plan drawn by surveyors