Uvur gurvan jas
Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Uvur gurvan jas,
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Uvur gurvan khiid, Uvur gurvan jas
Type of Temple :
Monastic City
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Bayntsagaan soum
Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Төв аймаг Баянцагаан сум. Өвөр гурван жас Богдын их шавийн нутаг одоогийн Баян цагаан сумын төвөөс зүүн урагш 35 км-т Ахар уулын өвөрт Чихэртэйн хөндийн гэдэг газар Өвөр гурван булгийн зүүн талд энэхүү жасын туурь оршиж байжээ.1 дугантай, Мөнх зултай, ердийн үед тахилч ламтай байдаг энэ хурал зөвхөн дүйцэн өдрүүдэд Дэлгэрийн чойроос, Мамбар эрдэний хүрээнээс, Богдын хүрээнээс зуны үед л лам нар гарч ирж хурдаг байжээ.Энэ хуралд албан ёсны дуган байгаагүй бөгөөд Гонхон гэж нэг жижиг модон байшин байсан байна.Баруун талд нь Эрэвгий ахр өндөр гэж овоог зуны эхэн сард тахидаг байжээ.Үүсэн байгуулагдсан он үүсгэн байгуулагчийн нэр тодорхойгүй энэ цагийн хурал 1933, 1934 оны үед хаагдсан байна. /Баян цагаан сумын иргэн өндөр настан Дарам очир гуайтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.08.14/
Description of location :
B. Rinchen: Khutul Kharaa Uul
This historical site is located 35 km southeast of the sum centre, in a valley of Chikhertei Khundii in the slopes of Akar Uul. There is area called Uvur Gurvan to the north of historial site and also nearby is an owoo which is worshipped. A well located west of the historical site is called Uvur Gurvan Bulag.
GPS readings :
North 46° 36’ East 107° 11’
Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: У 70 Side2: Ө 20 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
There are three foundations / bases that are very visible on the site, situated in a line running east-west. The eastern one was most probably a temple. Its foundation was made of brick and mud with some wooden pillars being visible. The middle foundation was made of stones. It is an interesting formation. The eastern foundation was made of brick, mud and stones. There are some small stones in the north-west and a kind of foundation on the west side of the central foundations. Only a few pieces of wood and brass objects are scattered around the site, which can be new. An ovoo is situated on the north-west hill.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Monks in Old Temple :
1 monks
1 monks
Notes :
According to Luvsangiin Jamba (born 1927), who is the present abbot in Khüis monastery in the centre of Bayantsagaan sum, and had been a monk in Darigatiin Jas near this monastery, at a place called Övör Gurvan another Jas was situated, with a temple, but he did not know any details as he never visited it.
Informant Puntsogiin Badamochir, is living in the centre of Bayantsagaan. He was born in 1921 and had been a monk in Bambar Erdene Lamiin Khüree (in present Sergelen Sum). According to him, there was only one temple building in this Jas made of wood. There was a separate Gonkhon (Tib: mgon khang) for devotional objects, pictures of deities. He said only a Takhilch monk (offering preparer) resided in the Jas monastery, offering butter lamps etc. Monks from bigger monasteries in the area such as Choir, Bambar Erdenii Khüree came here in the summer to hold ceremonies. According to the informant, looking at the foundations on the site, the most westerly one was the temple itself. On the west there was a brook called Övör gurvan khudag. The mountain Öndör Kharaa Uul was on the east of the site. There was no stupa at the site.
Form Number :
ТӨБЦ 001
Survey Team :
Team C