Read in Mongolian
Name(s) of Temple :
Rinchen Number :
Rinchen Name :
Tariatyn khural
Type of Temple :
Not Known
Aimag Temple located in :
Sum Temple located in :
Altanbulag soum
Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan
Precis History(In Mongolian only):
Төв аймаг Алтан булаг сум Тариатын хурал Алтан булаг сумын төвөөс баруун урагш 20-оод км-т Туул голын ар бие Хустайн байгалийн цогцолбор газрын Тариатын ам гэдэг газарт 1719 онд байгуулагдсан гэдэг.Энэ хурал нь нэг модон дугантай 20-30 лам байнга сууж хурдаг, Улаан Жамсран шүтээнтэй бага хэмжээний хийд байжээ.20-р зууны эхэн үеэр тус хурлын тэргүүн лам нь Пунцаггэвш, унзад лам нь Цэрэн, гэсгүй нь Лодой гэж хүмүүс байжээ.
Description of location :
B. Rinchen: Tuul River
The site occupies Khustai natural range. It is located 30 km west of the sum centre, on the northern shore of the Tuul River in a place called Tariatiin Am.
GPS readings :
North 47° 39’ East 105° 59’
Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: У 80 Side2: Ө 80 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:
Revived temple on site :
Status of site at time of survey :
The site is situated in the area of Khustai National Park on the north side of the river Tuul, in the valley of Tariat. The remains show it was a relatively big jas or monastery. In the valley of the Tariatiin Gol, to its west there are signs of many stone foundations of different sizes and shapes. The Tuul river is on the south of the site nearby. The area is surrounded by hills. On the south-east and west there are two huge burial sites of the ancient times. On the site separate but nearby the stone foundations, wood and piles of brass pots were found. On the north there is a winter residence and people were building small houses there at the time of the visit. On the west we found the two biggest stone foundations with stairs leading up to them – possibly two temple buildings. No trace of digging.
Date of founding the monastery/temple :
Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо нураагдсан:: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Old monastery/temple revived:
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
Monks in Old Temple :
not clear
not clear
Notes :
Book by L. Khench-Yaakhav: Altan Nutag, p. 16. According to this source, this monastery was founded in 1749.
Form Number :
ТӨАБ 021
Survey Team :
Team C