Gendlengiin jas

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Gendlengiin jas,Gendenligiin jas,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Genden lig jas

Type of Temple :

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :

Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Төв аймаг Алтан булаг сум Гэндэнлин хурал Алтан булаг сумын төвөөс урагш 70-аад км орчимд Туулын голын өмнөд эрэг Гэндэнлин овооны зүүн талд хоёр дуган бүхий энэ хурал төвхнөж байжээ.Анх 1686 онд Бор өндөрийн орчимд байгуулагдсан гэх энэ хурал нь нилээд хэдэн удаа нүүдэллэн явсаар 19-р зууны дунд үед энд ирж суурьшсан бололтой.20-р зууны эхэн үеэр 30 гаруй ламтай Дамдинянсан сахиустай Майдар эргэж, Ганжуур хурдаг,мөн Хайлан хурж, Сор залах зэрэг шашин номын зан үйлийг тогтмол хийдэг бага шиг хэмжээний хийд байжээ.Энэ хийд нь 1933, 1934 оны үед хурал номын үйл ажиллагаа нь зогссоноор хаагдсан байна. /Алтан булаг сумын харьяат 90 настай Дашдорж гуайтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.08.11/ Л.Хэнч яахав “Төв аймгийн Бага толь” УБ 1993.

Description of location :
The site is about 70 kilometres to the south of the soum centre on the left bank of the river Tuul and about 50 metres to the east of Gendenlin Ovoo.

GPS readings :
North 47° 27’  East 105°  49’

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
The site is at about 70 km south of the soum center, on the left bank of the river Tuul. The remains are about 50 metres east of Gendengiin ovoo, a small ovoo elevated above the flat ground on the riverside area. The only visible remain is a base or foundation, which is elevated about 5x5 steps from the ground and outlined by stones. There is an area to the east near the site when people used to keep their animals. It has a small wall of stones and wood for sheltering the animals. It may be that the stone were from the monastery site. In the area, there are also scattered stones and earth elevations above the ground, but no other foundations can made out now. Pieces of pots, bricks and wood were found on the site.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо нураагдсан:: - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Date of Reviving:
Year : - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Monks in Old Temple :

Notes :
Old local people were asked about the monastery. Gendlen ovoo, made of stone is widely known by people. A1 According to D.Choijoo, 77 year old man who lives nearby, the site of the monastery was situated about 40-50 meters east of the ovoo. He told us that maybe only one temple stood in this site. Later there were private dwellings and an agricultural cooperation worked there. This was was pulled down. Only a wooden shelter for animals is still visible west of the site. B1 According to the Ts.Sansokhor 77 years old lady, who lives nearby the monastic site, some buildings still stood on the site when she was about 20 years old. The monastery could be considered of some temples and about 30 monks lived or gathered there. There were permanent ceremonies and the ovoo standing there is old, too. It was completely ruined during the purges with the sacred inner parts (Sunshig). Later an agricultural cooperation (Negdel) operated at the site. Perhaps they used the building of old jas or its building materials. L.Khench-Yahav: Altan nutag, book, p-16 According to this source, this monastery was founded in 1686. p-17: The big pot was saved from this monastery and it kept in the central kindergarten in Zuun mod, Tuv aimag. The biggest such pot in Mongolia which is presently kept in the area of Manzushir khiid, was originally in the big monastery in the area Tuuliin Gunii

Form Number :
ТӨАБ 020

Survey Team :
Team D

Газрын зураг / Map

Site Plan

Site plan drawn by surveyors