Bayartyn jas

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Bayartyn jas,Janraisegiin jas,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Bayartyn khural, Janraiseg khural

Type of Temple :
Not Known

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Altanbulag soum

Old Aimag Name :
Tusheet Khan

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Төв аймаг Алтан булаг сум. Баяртын жас Хуучин Богдын их шавийн нутагод оогийн Төв аймгийн Алтан булаг суманд сумын төвөөс баруун тийш 10 орчим км зайд Туул голын өмнөд бие Баяртын тохой гэдэг газар энэхүү жасаа хурал байжээ.Үүсэн байгуулагдсан он цаг нь тодорхойгүй энэ хурлыг Жанрайсагийн жас ч гэж нэрлэдэг байжээ.20-р зууны эхэн үеэр 2 жижиг модон дуган 20-30 лам хурдаг тэргүүн лам нь Уртнасан аграмба гэж хүн байжээ.1920-оод оны өмнөхөн Уртнасан аграмба Богдын хүрээнээс шавь нартайгаа гарч ирж энэ хурлыг байгуулсан гэж үздэг байна.Уг хурал нь Дамдинчойжоо сахиустай баруун талдаа байх Баяртын овоог тахидаг байжээ.Уг хурал нь Богдын их шавийн нутаг дахь олон жижиг жасаа хурлуудын нэг байжээ. /Алтан булаг сумын харьяат 90 настай Дашдорж гуайтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.08.11/

Description of location :
B. Rinchen: Tuul River According to L.Dashdorj, this historical site is located in a place called Bayartiin Tokhoi which is 10 km. west of Altanbulag sum centre. There is an owoo called Bayartiin Owoo on the west side of the site and the river Tuul streams along the south side of the site.

GPS readings :
North 47° 41’  East 106°  16’

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
Although Rinchen marked this monastic site on the right bank of Tuul River, actually it is on the left. The place where the two temples of the monastery stood was shown to the surveyors by the informant. There are no remains at all. Some pebbles are visible in two places. A small ovoo was erected by the surveyors on the site. Bayart ovoo can be seen west of the site. Two pieces of pots were found.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : Urtnasan Agramba - Ярилцлагын дугаар: A 82

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
20-30 monks
20-30 monks

Notes :
Although Rinchen marked this assembly on the right bank of Tuul River, L. Dashdorj (born 1918), who lived in this area before becoming a monk of Bogdiin khüree at the age of 8, claims that the monastery stood once on the place, called Bayartiin tokhoi, situated on the left bank of Tuul River. Dashdorj himself showed the monastic area personally to the surveyors. There are no remnants on the area, only some pebbles are visible in two places. As L. Dashdorj showed this area stating that the monastery was situated here, the surveyors accepted it. Thus, most probably it was incorrectly marked on Rinchen`s map. According to L. Dashdorj, two small wooden temples stood here and about 20-30 monks belonged to the assembly. It was founded by Urt Nasan agramba (who was the head monk), who was a monk of Bogdiin khüree or Ulaanbaatar and came here with his novices. L. Dashdorj was a child when the assembly was a child when the assembly was founded. Thus, it was most probably founded in the 1920s. The two main protectors were Damjin and Shanlan (ikh baga sakhius). (Remark: they are the protectors of medical temples). The temples were dedicated to reading prayers (magtaal) or praises and to the wrathful deities (Khangal). The nearby Bayart ovoo situating west of the monastic site was worshipped by the monks of the assembly. Data from the book L. Khench-Yaakhav, Altan Nutag, p. 16. According to this book, the only temple building of Danjaalangiin jas (Bor öndöriin khiid) was used when the sum centre of Bor öndör (later this sum became part of Altanbulag) was founded, and also the two temple buildings of Bayartiin jas were pulled down, delivered there and the material used. According to the same book (p. 19.) the site of this monastery is 10 kms from the sum centre, at Bayartiin tokhoi (near River Tuul). There were two temple building built there, and it was consecrated by Urtnasan gawj and a celebration with ovoo worship was held as well. The 8 stupas of Buddha were erected here, made of stones. Data from the book: L Khench- Yaakhaw, Altan Nutag pp79. According to this book, the site of this monastery is 10 kilometres from the SUM centre and Bayartiin Tokhai. These two temples buildings were built there and it was consecrated by Urtnasan Gawj and a celebration worship with ovoo worship was held as well. The 8 stupas of Buddha were erected here made of stones.

Form Number :
ТӨАБ 017

Survey Team :
Team C

Лааганжавын Дашдорж

Oral History :

Газрын зураг / Map

Site Plan

Site plan drawn by surveyors

Цуглуулсан баримтууд / Materials collected

ТӨАБ 017  ATSF  Л. Хэнч-Яахав  Миний нутаг 70жил  Ном Хуудас : 23-25  0000-00-00  Улаанбаатар    Д