Zodyn dugana

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Zodyn dugana,Zodyn khural,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Zodyn khural

Type of Temple :
Temporary Assembly

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Ikh Uul sum

Old Aimag Name :
Zasagt Khan

Old Sum Name :
Bardaa Beisiin khoshuu/Dalai Beisiin khoshuu/

Precis History(In Mongolian only):

Завхан аймаг Их уул сум. Зодын хурал / Зодын дуган / Их уул сумын Хуягт багийн нутаг Тосонгийн давааны өвөр бэл Нартын өвөлжөөний аманд буюу Нартын амны булгийн дээд талд энэхүү Зодын дуган байжээ. Чулуун суурьтай модоор барьсан дунд хэмжээний энэ дуганд 20-р зууны эхэн үеэр 3-4 зоч лам сууж хурал хуран шарз даян хийх зэрэг зан үйл хийж байжээ. Мөн талийгаач нас барсан хүмүүсийн хойтох буяныг авч даах, зод лүйжин тавих зэрэг зан үйлүүдийг хийж байсан байна. Чухам хэн гэдэг зоч лам нар байсан тухай нэр нь тодорхойгүй бөгөөд дуганы суурийн чулуунууд Нартын амны булгийн дээд талд 3 тал нь газрын хөрсөнд доогуур орсон , нэг тал нь хараахан газрын хөрсөн доор ороогүй дээд тал нь ил газрын хөрсөнд зоогдсон байдалтай байдаг. Энэ туурийн орчимд 1959 он хүртэл Хуягт багийн төв байрлаж байгаад нүүхдээ уг дуганы нураажээ. Уг хурал нь 1930-аад оны эхээр хаагдсан байна. / Хуягт багийн иргэн 73 настай Цэдэнсодов гуайтай хийсэн ярилцлагаас 2007.06.24/

Description of location :
The site is located in the Nartyn valley just before the Zostyn mountain pass and at the source of Huyagtyn river. The general name of the area is the Toson valley. The biggest mountain pass in the area is Zostyn pass. The site is where the pass intersects with the valley.

GPS readings :
North 48° 57’  East 098°  54’

Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: 10 Side2: 7 Side3: Side4: Side5: Side6:

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
The site used to have only one building. Later on the house was used for office facilities of KHuyagt team centre and after this, in 1959 the house was taken apart and moved to the sum centre. Our guide says told us he was a small boy when the house was dismantled and that he took part in it. Three sections of the temple foundation has sunk into the river bed. Only one part of the base remains on the ground. While the locals know the location of the site well, they do not remember its name. We assumed it was Zodyn khural. Two kilometres to the north west of the site there was another small wooden temple called Takhiltai Bulag. Local elders remember that there were many books, sutras and religious objects in that temple. It was strange to have another temple nearby KHuyagtyn khuree. Thus we guess that it not another temple but it was a storage facilities for one of the monks from KHuyagtyn temple. We were not able to find any more information about Zodyn khural. Currently Zodyn khural site is winter spot for the local herders. During the other times of the year no families live around here. During the winter, after snow falls, people move here. In 1960 a team centre was started here, however the area was not good for building.

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):

Date of Reviving:

Monks in Old Temple :
not clear
not clear

Notes :
Most of the locals could not remember the name Zodyn khural. Only 73 year old Tsedevsodov guia was able to tell us the name.

Form Number :
ЗАИУ 045

Survey Team :
Team А

Газрын зураг / Map