Sogogiin khiidiin tav

Read in Mongolian

Name(s) of Temple :
Sogogiin khiidiin tav,Khureenii tav,

Rinchen Number :

Rinchen Name :
Sogogiin khiid

Type of Temple :
Monastic City

Aimag Temple located in :

Sum Temple located in :
Ulaan khus soum

Old Aimag Name :
Zasagt Khan

Old Sum Name :
Altai /Mergenii khoshuu/

Description of location :
Historically, the temple Sogog occupied the shore of a small river, south of the Khovd Gol in the Mongolian Altai Ridge basin. The temple base is located between Khovd and Sogog rivers. Ulaan Khus (Red Earth or Red Birch) sum is on the eastern shore of Khovd River. To the east of the sum centre is 1 km.of a section of the Sogogiin river which reaches a confluence of the Khovd Gol. Twenty-five meters upstream of the river Sogogiin is the Ulaan Khus sum’s 5th Brigade land or the Sogogiin Brigade centre. The Sogog brigade is a densely-populated brigade with a school (which took 9 years to complete) and a small branch of a hospital that employs general practitioners. GPS given for Ulaan Khus sum centre

GPS readings :
North 49° 2’  East 89°  26’

Estimated site dimensions (metres) :
Side1: 5:8 Side2: 3:4 Side3: 3:4 Side4: 3:4 Side5: 5:6 Side6: 5:6

Revived temple on site :

Status of site at time of survey :
Traces of the temple base are visible on a small white dirt mound (on which feather grass and mosses grow) located on the shoreline of the Sogogiin river. Many years have passed since the area was occupied by the locals, so the local Kazakhs were interviewed and asked for directions. The Kazakhs call this place Sogogiin Khureenii Tuuri (The Sogogiin Temple Base). There are some building traces still visible however it is difficult to come up with an exact measurement. Some bricks were stuck on to the moist soil which could have been a wall foundation. These bricks were arranged vertically, not horizontally, and looked like they were arranged closely to each other. The arrangement of the bricks, their size, shape and the material they were made of are similar to those found on the Kharganatiin temple base located in Tsengel Sum. Based on the similarity of these two sites, it can be said that it was the main architecture and construction style of Mongolians at the time and which contradicts a story told by some local Kazakhs about a Molda mosque, the first temple the Kazakhs built upon migrating to Mongolia 130 years ago. Thus, The Molda mosque is the name the elderly Kazakhs use when referring to Sogogiin Khiid. There is a burial ground of Kazakhs almost adjacent to the west of the mosque base. The distance between the burial ground and the mosque base is getting closer each year. In 300 m.three hundred meters east of the mosque base, a memorial board is built marking the anniversary of Kazakhs who migrated to Mongolia. The memorial board was set up in 1996 and, to celebrate this occasion, 100 gers were built. On the board is a commemoration which reads “To Honor Julkin’s 180th birthday who led Kazakhs to Mongolia and To honor the 130th year since the settlement of Kazakhs”. The Molda mosque is established next to this memorial board. The neighboring Tsengel Sum’s Tuvan younger generation is not aware of the Sogogiin temple. Because Mongolians were forced to depart from this area during the 20th century, it is also an unknown mosque amongst Mongolians. This might be the reason for questioning the history of the temple’s origination by the Kazakhs, though the reclaimed base of the temple demonstrates that the base is not of the Molda Mosque. An archeological research is required.

Date of founding the monastery/temple :

Date of closing and destroying the monastery :
Огноо хаагдсан: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:
Огноо нураагдсан:: Unknown - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Old monastery/temple revived:

Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Нэр, цол хэргэм : - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Date of Reviving:
Year : - Ярилцлагын дугаар:

Monks in Old Temple :
not clear
not clear

Notes :
2. The list of Prof.B.Rinchen mentions that the Sogogiin temple is located on the shoreline of Sogogiin river, which is confirmed during this research. Most of the local Kazakhs call this Sogogiin Base. 7. Much of what was built on the reclaimed area of the temple is measured in details and made note of.

Form Number :
БӨУХ 083

Survey Team :
Team А

Газрын зураг / Map